New Year, New Experiences, New Goals, and New Friends~2012

December 30, 2011  •  Leave a Comment
First things first... I just want to thank everyone for all the support in my first full successful year of business!!  You are all amazing and have taught me so much, I send much love to you all!!  I am SO grateful for being able to do what I love!! 

A new year means new experiences, new goals, new friends, and well, new pricing and packages. Pricing is always something that photographers have a hard time with... pricing can range all over the board and honestly there are a lot of us out there to pick from!!  You just have to know your style and pick your photographer from there... do your research to make sure the photographer's style is something that you are looking for in your photos!

I also want to just put a reminder out there to everyone that this is not my full time job, even though I would completely LOVE it if it was. I work 45 hours a week and travel quarterly where needed.  I also have three beautiful girls that I love spending time with and throughout the last year at times have cried for mom's attention.  I need to spend a little more time with them this summer on the weekends... so with that being said, I will be taking a few less weddings this year.  I feel my strengths are in sessions that are more one on one with children, families, etc and would like to focus my time more on where I feel my strengths are.  I will be accepting 4 weddings a year and will leave some dates open for second shooting weddings.  I have only second shot one wedding with the amazing Dani Stephenson and found it to be very fun and informative!!!  There are some amazing photographers out there that I would still love to work and learn with!!

So onto the new pricing and packages!! 

Family/Child Session ~ $100
Edited Images on Disk with Release
1 Hour Session up to 2 Locations

Newborn Session ~ $175
Edited Images on Disk with Release
2 Hour Session up to 2 Locations

Maternity Session ~ $150
Edited Images on Disk with Release
2 Hour Session up to 3 Locations

Maternity & Newborn Session ~ $275
Edited Images on Disk with Release
2 Hour Session up to 3 Locations
8x10 Organic Bloom Frame with Choice of Color, Style, & Printed 8x10 Photo

Newborn, 6 Month, and 1 Year Cake Smash Sessions ~ $325.00
Get a $50 Discount for Purchasing all Together!!
Edited Images on Disk with Release
2 Hour Session for Newborn
1 Hour Session for 6 Month
1 Hour Session for 1 Year Cake Smash

Rock the Dress Session ~ $150
Edited Images on Disk with Release
1-2 Hour Session up to 3 Locations

Engagement Session ~ $150
Edited Images on Disk with Release
1-2 Hour Session up to 3 Locations

Senior Sessions ~ $225
Edited Images on Disk with Release
2 Hour Session up to 3 Locations and 4 Outfits
3 Sets of 8 Sheet Wallets

Wedding Packages

6 Hour Package ~ $1100
Edited Images on Disk with Release
Engagement Session
8x10 Organic Bloom Frame with Choice of Color & Style
Discounted Professional Prints and Canvas up to 11x14

8 Hour Package ~ $1350
Edited Images on Disk with Release
Engagement Session
8x10 Organic Bloom Frame with Choice of Color & Style
Discounted Professional Prints and Canvas up to 11x14

10 Hour Package ~ $1600
Edited Images on Disk with Release
Engagement Session
11x14 Organic Bloom Frame with Choice of Color & Style
Discounted Professional Prints and Canvas up to 11x14

Professional Print Pricing

I really do recommend professional prints over going to Wal Mart, Walgreens, Target, etc.  You REALLY can see a difference!!!
**When my website is completed, you will have a gallery with an online ordering option**

8 Wallets ~ $5.00
4x6 ~ $2.00
5x7 ~ $3.50
8x10 ~ $6.00
11x14 ~ $11.00

**Custom Sizes are available as well as Gallery Wrap Canvas Prints, contact me for details**

If any one has questions on my new packages and pricing, please don't hesitate to contact me!!!!

Again, thank you SO SO SO much for all the continued support!!  I am extermely excited for all things to come in 2012!!!

With love,


Everyone have a Fun, Safe and Happy New Year!!!!


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